Baun spoke to Rohegenius about how the deposit bag system works and what is rPET plastic

Rohegenius conducted a more extended interview with us to get an overview of our activities so far, some insight into our future plans, and the progress we have already made.

Among them, we talked more precisely about how our idea works, how the test period in e-Selver went, what our bags are like, and what is so special about rPET plastic.

In addition, we talked in more detail about the first lessons and setbacks in the company. And of course, we also threw around some ideas in the direction of the future, i.e. where we could move forward and how to do it.

You can read the full article with Rohegenius HERE.


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Baun visited Seitsmesed Uudised news show and spoke about the experience of the Negavatt competition


Baun bags were introduced at the Impact Day event!

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